Load: how to stop living in constant overvoltage?

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Most of us live in constant stress and tension. The problem is ignored until it leads to disease. The "Load" indicator records the critical overstrain of the body and suggests when you need rest for self-recovery

What is the Load indicator?

We live in conditions of constant stress, as stress is a natural reaction of our body to changes that are constantly taking place in life. Increased stress leads to the mobilization of the body: under the influence of adrenaline, we are able to overcome life obstacles, develop and reach new heights in professional, sports, creative and personal life. But you have to pay for everything: if you do not allow the body to rest and recover in time, it begins to use more energy than it can produce. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to consciously fix this moment. Few people can notice this transition at the sensory level. But we have scientific methods that can clearly record overvoltage.

In the Engy Health service, "Load" is the abbreviated name of the PARS indicator (abbreviated from "Indicator of Regulatory Systems Activity"). PARS is one of the key metrics for analyzing heart rate variability (HRV, or HRV), developed by the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences for biomedical support of Russian cosmonauts (that is, specialists working in extremely extreme and stressful conditions for the body). Due to its effectiveness in analyzing the human condition, this technique has gained popularity all over the world not only in space, but also in sports medicine to prepare professional athletes for competitions.

When a stressful situation arises, physical or emotional stress, the body's regulatory systems, which are responsible for maintaining the integrity (homeostasis) of the body, begin to work more actively. Regulatory systems include:

  • Central nervous system , which receives signals from the external environment and sends signals to the body for an adequate response,
  • The sympathetic system , which is responsible for the activation of the body under stress and danger,
  • The parasympathetic system , which is responsible for relaxation of the body and the accumulation of resources in resting conditions,
  • The humoral system , which, with the help of hormones, regulates the activity of the first and second systems.
In a healthy body, these systems work in close relationship and dynamic balance. Tension should be replaced by rest, so that strength and energy are restored for the next "snatch". If this does not happen, the systems begin to overextend. We can see the overvoltage by analyzing the cardiogram of the heart rate, since each of the systems sends signals to the heart in a certain frequency range (read more in the section " rhythm "on the Engy Health Methodology page).

The "Load" / PARS indicator is integral, it demonstrates the complex activity of regulatory systems and is calculated according to an algorithm that takes into account the level of functioning, stability of regulation, autonomic homeostasis, activity of the sympathetic vascular center and the degree of centralization of control. Overvoltage in the body can be divided into several levels on a 10-point scale from normal to the risk of developing pathology ( In the diagram below, n move the cursor over the area of ​​interest to learn more about the state of the body in each zone ):


Your body is in working order. Regulatory systems are optimally strained and no additional resources are required.


Moderate stress of regulatory systems, which occurs during vigorous work, stress and negative environmental conditions. To further maintain balance, the body begins to expend additional resources.


The condition is optimal, you are at the lower limit of the norm. There is enough energy to perform everyday tasks, but with a significant increase in the load, the state of health may deteriorate.


Regulatory systems are significantly overstressed. Defense mechanisms do not provide an adequate response to stress. Functional reserves are not sufficient to maintain the balance.


Your regulatory systems begin to overextend. Check the quality of the recording - it should only be made in a calm, waking state.

How to know your Load?

Engy Health allows you to monitor your body's stress in the same way that astronauts do, using Load indicators. That is, using the PARS indicator of the methodology for analyzing heart rate variability. Immediately after processing your measurement data, 6 main indicators appear on the screen of the Engy Health application, including Load (PARS) with a value in points and a color field. Green color indicates excellent condition, yellow and orange indicates being in the normal zone, but close to its borders. Red color - an alarming signal about the overstrain of the body.

By clicking on the indicator in the "What's happening?" you can see a clear physiological description of your current load, and in the "What to do" section, you can see how to improve your condition. Each level of tension in the body has its own functional state, which means that the recommendations for each case will be separate. And if you have any questions, you can consult a physiologist at any time.

Engy Health provides the ability to access the history of all measurements. You can follow the "Load" indicator over time. By analyzing your sleep, diet, physical or mental stress and comparing them with the history of the indicator "Load", you can easily understand how changes in lifestyle affect your condition and what exactly in your lifestyle leads to overexertion.

How to use the Load indicator?

Unlike fitness gadgets, which are most often used during exercise, we recommend taking heart rate measurements at rest with Engy Health in the morning and in the evening to determine your basic physiological state at rest (see also " Measurement rules with Engy Health "). By the morning measurement, it will be easy for you to understand in what state you woke up and whether your body was able to recover during sleep. With PARS values ​​from 1 to 3, you can easily endure any physical and emotional stress. If there is a number from 3 to 6 on the screen, it is better not to overload yourself during the day, since your body was unable to recover and to solve current problems it will "take" the body's already lacking energy resources (see also " Energy Indicator "). Indicators greater than 8 are considered critical and indicate an overstrain of all regulatory systems. You definitely need a pause, or better, a specialist consultation.

Evening measurements will help you understand how much the past day has affected the state of your body. By comparing morning and evening indicators, you can analyze what kind of stress makes them worse, and what type of recovery improves them.

Let's look at the cases
  • Do you play sports
You took a morning measure after a serious intense workout the day before. And the indicator was not happy: "Load" - in the red zone. This means that overnight your body was unable to recover, you have an increased risk of getting sick due to overstrain. In case of continuing intense physical activity, you will not improve, but only worsen your physical condition. On this day, it is better to take a break and just take a walk at a calm pace.
  • You are on a diet
You watch your diet, but once a week you allow yourself to unload: eat everything and how much you want. It is believed that in this way you will prevent emotional breakdowns and mood swings against a background of strict restrictions. You allowed yourself fast food, fried foods, lots of pastries and even alcohol. But the next morning after such "unloading" the indicators sharply deteriorated. PARS is a very sensitive parameter, and it instantly reacts to any changes. The body, unlike you, had a hard time, and the tension increased sharply. Conclusion: either properly organize the days of rest from the diet, or revise the diet itself in order to take it calmly and not need such unloading.

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